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bad day
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Find this very meaningful.

At the end of your life you will not regret having loved deeply.
But you may regret the walls you erected
to love and the love you withheld.

Dont think that im moving on.When people around me moving on.
Having lots of problem at home..
Stranger relationship between me and my mum husband.
Mum need go for heart operation..
Need to go back work in order to help out in house expenses.
When my school hour is 8 to 5 evyday.

Feeling really sick right now.
Din wanna tell anyone.But jus type out in my blog.
Dont know when im going to fall.Hopefully not.
Life going down slope..appreciate wad i hav now..
No idea wad to appreciate.

If you are reading..takecare okie.
Im fine..really fine.Dont need any console.
Will find my way out.If not..too bad.

Thanks for reading.
--i'm ken , i'm here before !--
9:27 AM

Life goes on..
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
How should i start.
Just manage to get over someone finally.
Keep falling out of love.
Slowly getting use to all this.
Jus that the way she leave me was bit
cruel..nvm.Evything hav past.
Hope you find a good boyfren in the future.
Or maybe you already found one.
Just hope your next boyfren can treat
you properly.Takcare okie..

Life goes on for me.School stuff quiet stress up.
Last term already.Gona rush evything.
But im still kind of slack now..
dont know when im going to get hardworking agn.
But really wanna get the mark i want..
Mind cant really work well.Been hold up by
somone.Going back to my ''un healthy'' lifestyle.
Need someone to care.But i dont have the someone.
Need someone to nag.No more nagging.
I want to go back to my healthy lifestyle.
My right lung is weak..dont know when im gona
have my second operation.Soon i guess..
whenever i breath.Not only my heart is pain.
My right lung is also in pain.When can all this pain
go away.

Gona have some war with my dad real soon.
Maybe will end up leaving the house.
If not..sure will become stranger.Or enemy.
Still got less than half month to have some
peace with him.Life is hard for me..
Birthday is next month..am i going to
be happy.Maybe my class will somehow
celebrat with me.But they are not the one
i really wanna celebrat with.I have a birthday
wish..i really hope it can come true.

Life isn't going smoothly for me now.
Can someone show some care.
--i'm ken , i'm here before !--
9:33 AM

Monday, September 22, 2008
Holiday dont seem like holiday to me.
Is either busy with training or playing badminton..
but holiday maybe i can fatch her more often..
I like to go fatch my galfren whenever im free.
and carry her heavy bag but only when im bagless..den she allow.
wad kind of rule..

Not in a good mood.Im just too tired..
--i'm ken , i'm here before !--
2:48 AM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
15 june 2008

This morning laopo went for her 5 days holidays leaving me at Singapore alone.
After she went for her flight at 6...From that time i din slept until now.
Afternoon mum cooked lunch..this is the first time i din ate finish my lunch.
Before meeting my fren go play badminton jus now i drink a red bull.
So that i go energy to play..actually dont feel like going de.But i promised
my fren.After playing badminton my fren got his appointment..and im left with
no choice but to go home.On the way back went to TS to borrow some korean movie
to watch.I chosed a love story movie again.Is stupid for a person who are sad
still wanna watch sad love story.Named ''virgin snow''The movie not bad la.
During watching de shi hou i feel very weird..something is missing.I took my
fone up and starting to msg her.Asking what is she doing...must be thinking
im crazy right.But like this will make me feel better...=)
Be at home only make me miss you like crazy..im already crazy.I feel like
going out and dont come back home for this 5 days.But i promised her not
to anyhow to go out.I dont think i can sleep tonight as well..that all bye.
--i'm ken , i'm here before !--
8:13 AM

Thursday, April 17, 2008

17 April 2008

Today is my second elder brother 21 bdae.Tmr is my lecturer Miss angella bdae.

Today went school as per normal.Practical the whole morning doing wire locking.
Ytd was worrying cos i dont really know how to do a wire lock..but today get siti
to teach me becos she do wire lock better than me.So in the end finally get everything
right today.Thanks Siti..Then after AGM(practical) went to canteen and slack.Waited
1 hour 30 min for our Life skill lesson.Then at canteen saw all those april in take student.
Their look really very very arrogant.Dont really wanna make myself angry jiu play my psp lor.

Then went for our LP lesson.While walking to our classroom all of us is saying that LP lesson
is a totally useless subject.Just wasting all our precious time.Go inside the class..Anw her name
is Miss Mei Yong.=x.Then she teach us all those manner thingy.Lilke people ask you how are you..
how should you reply.So she one by one go around and shake our hand and asked ''how are you''Then
almost everyone in the class replied''Im fine''and then follow up she say WRONG!.So she come to me
and shake my hand and ask the same question.GUess i answer correctly or wrong???Haha.Wrong la.

In the end she told us the answer..we should replied how are you back.-_-".I was like HUhhhh?
But dont really care la..continue my conversation with my frens.Then suddenly Si Qi call me from the back.
And then he throw me a Chocolate sweet.I was thinking he bu ke neng so nice give me sweet de.
Then i touch touch..found out that the sweet melt dao very jia lat le.Then i opened the sweet then sqzee out
some chocolate and shouted SIQI catch.HURHURHUR.GUess what..his hand got chocolate.=x

Then cher also showed us one of her email i have it quite interesting.Is about all the planet de la.
Then i realise earth is nothing.There MUCH MUCH MUCH bigger planet up there.Compare it to earth,
earth is just a dust to it.After LP lesson ended..as usual the same gang went to play lan again.
But before playing lan we went to plan Miss angella present..brought a doraemon for her.Hmm quite big la.
Cost 70 dollar.Then whole class chip in some money lor.After that went to buy a Billabong pencil box
for my er ge bdae present.HOpefully he like it..cos it cost quite expensive for me.=/

Ohya!SUddenly rmb today during AGM practical de shi huo..MY FREN BITE MY HAND UNTIL NOW ALSO
GOT THE SCAR THERE!!Becos my hand got alot of those rusty thingy..den i only jiajia wanna make my fren
face from his back.Den who know he go and grab both of my hand and BITE!.Can u imagine he is bigger than me about twice and taller than me more than one head use BITE as a weapon????????=( my ke lian de hand.
Then shouted stop stop stop he dont wanna stop bitteing den guess what..I BITE HIS SHOUlder lor.Then he
stopped..but i only bite a little only la.But left LOTS of saliva.=x.Hahahas.dONt worry la..we just playing er yi.Then after that incident..one by one start bite-ing each other.One of my fren bite until that guy who bite me until his shoulder got seriously blue black!!!.Then i took a shot on it..and show it to everyone ''yan hao bite wei qiang until like this''evy one was like so fucking shock.Then wei qiang ask me weather need to help me print out and show it to the whole school anot.Then i was like..GOOD IDEA!!.xD.But my hand still very pain la...=(.Hahahas.must be thinking this class is really mad right..=).What a interesting class i have.

Saturday gonnna have my Mixed double tournament held at Woodland sport hall.I dream also never dream before i will be playing mixed double.Im partnering one of my primary school badminton girl.She stuyed at Paya Lebar methodist.She play single down there..so quite strong.Althought i say is a she...but if you take a look at her you thinking is she really a she.Okie i know im bad.Just dont wann my galfren to be jealous or wad.So don worry kay??=).Hmm.dont have much confident in my mixed double..but will play my very best jiu shi le.Sunday gonna have Single tournament..dont have much confident also.Becos din really train my single footwork and tactic.And also dont have much stamina to play also..so hopefully i can get into the final and win my first title.Really really wanna win..but if din win also nvm la.Cos i know i din train hard enough for this tournament.=).

By right saturday someone is suppose to go watch and support me play my match de..but she have carnival at her school.So wont be able to make it.So i just have to be understanding..hope you enjoy yourself on saturday bah.

And i been having nightmare about my galfren this few days.SHe said shi bu shi she too scary le make dao me always have nightmare.No lor..Is i think too much about you le.Then i dream of you..Nightmare is becos your boyfren scare losing you one day.That why keep having nightmare.=/.Someone said she will msg me after doing her haunted house thingy in school..now 9.18 le i din reciew your msg yet.Do you know how much i mish you..i wanted to msg you.But you must be busy or tired to msg me..nvm.What i can do now is to just sit down here and wait for your msg to come..BUT IS ALREADY 9+++++ LE WHY HAVEN FINISH!!!*ANGRY*.


Tmr after school have CCA.Then after that have to rush home and prepare to work.Gonna be a very tired day for me tmr.Kind of moodless now..partly is becos of above.Then next monday having AD test.Which im not very good in it.Becos is related to drawing.=/.Will study until i understand everything before MONDAY!I wont lose to you stupid AD test.Maybe i should go and study now while waiting for YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU to msg me.

bYe..anD i blogged all becos of you hor!=/

--i'm ken , i'm here before !--
6:29 AM


16 April 2008

Today after school were really tired.Cos been sleeping late this few day.

But think so meeting mine galfren after school jiu bu zhi bu jue jin

sheng qi lai le.Then after school rush home and change and slept for

5 min before going out..meeting her at PLaza SIn.Hahas,we have bet

with each other that who reach there de last gona bei da pi gu..so in

the end i lose..actually can win de lor.Then feel like going to toilet

then lose de.=/.NVM!In the end she also din da wo de pi gu.wahahaha!

Think she forgot...shhhhhhhh.

And then we went to THE CATHAY to watch a movie call ''The Bucket List''.

Her mum dont know wad credit card den got free movie ticket..so somehow

save some of my pocket money.xD.So while waiting for the movie to start..

my galfren and i ll sitting around at the cinema there playing and chit chatting la

COs both of us lazy to walk around.So end up playing Scissor paper stone and

Ji Kor Ba.Hahas.sound bit childish..budden who know we manage to mak it so fun.

Fun until we laugh and knocked onto each other head.HAHA.who know my head is harder

andi felt no pain at all..but her have BA LU GU le.=x.SOrry la..but i got HAO XIN

help you rub rub make it NOT THAT PAIN ma.xD.

Then the movie started we went in..OMG!we are the first one to reach.But before that

both of us will making sure we went into the correct hall anot.COs the title put outside the

hall is not the mvoie we wanted to watch but is the correct hall.So we dont reali care and just

sit down lor.HAHA!and then our seat is couple seat..so kind of swweet.Think is the sweetest

movie i ever watch bah.=)Then some part of the movie i dont really understand..and evyone in the

hall were laughing until so funny den me there keeping quiet cos dont know wad giong on

but lucky my galfren is there to explain it to me.xDIf not maybe the whole movie i wun hav

understand.HUrhurhur!=x.But after the movie galfren father called said wanna fatch her home..

kind of sad cos cant send her home.But nvm la..=).After sending her to her father there went to plaza

sing to loook for something.Then saw the shop inside no people i dont dare go in so din went in and

see the thing i wanted to buy le.=/.Cos paiseh ma..Im like this de la.

So overall today manage to meet my galfren and have a really fun time with her.Becos past few day

we''ll having some problem with each other.But we manage to solve it right laopo?=).hAO la is getting

late..dont know when the next time im gona blog again.HAHA!we shall see la.bye


--i'm ken , i'm here before !--
6:28 AM

Sunday, April 13, 2008
IM sorry....
--i'm ken , i'm here before !--
8:30 AM


22 may
riverside secondary

badminton !



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